Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What a Difference a Day Can Make!

I am always amazed at the replenishment of zeal for life! It always seems to be in a surprising way that we are thrown back on the horse, and even better willingly climb back on that proverbial horse!
I have been feeling disheartened by the lack of understanding for each other and our different points of view. Why must we turn everything into a fight, going after someone else with fists blazing and tempering none of our comments, out for blood. I am sure many of you can guess at what I am discussing....Yet there are always those friends, family or otherwise that can have a totally different opinion than you and yet you can rationally listen, discuss and even disagree with each other and still be friends after! I have many people in my life that I feel safe enough to disagree-respectfully of course, and our friendship will still remain intact. They too have on many occasions called me out on what they disagreed with and I respect them for doing it. It gives me the opportunity to gauge my feelings, opinions and see if they are reasonable or if they are simply driven by emotion.
I digress from my original point. I was feeling down because of this lack of mutual respect among so many factions in our country at this time. Jeff got to witness a freak out session with much ranting and raving....yet he still let me know that he does not consider me certifiable (yet). So I decided to put the weight of the world in the bath tub for a few days and take a day off! Yesterday I spent a few hours with Jeff on a day-date while kids were in school. We made a point not to discuss anything "heavy", and we simply enjoyed being together. When the kids came home I was ready to re-charge and get stuff done. My sister stopped by to tend for us while we attended a meeting. Laughing with her as only sisters can do, and watching her black teacup Chihuahua prance around(whose tiny toenails we painted pink--there is just a lack of little girls around here, so we improvise!) again helped to re-charge my batteries.
Today I put all my tasks for work to the side, went and played basketball with a group of women from the neighborhood and then spent a few hours with my other sister watching "Biggest Loser" (not only my fav tv show, but it was a recorded one so we could fast forward-EVEN BETTER!). So it is almost 4 in the afternoon and I haven't showered and am still in sweaty basketball clothes, my tasks are still waiting on my desk downstairs, the laundry still sits in piles and the kids are pretty much doing whatever they want at the moment and it FEELS GREAT!! I love being freshly prepared for tomorrow. With an "I can" attitude to face all that will come with a smile and a straight-a-way momentum. Tomorrow will be FANTASTIC!
So the moral of this posting? Take a day off from the cares of the world, and from your usual life, trust in God and oh Boy!! What a difference a day can make! :)

1 comment:

Mandy said...

I knew I could come to your blog, be uplifted and not feel guilty about being a total "slacker"!! Yes, it does feel so good to take a day off (a few this week):) and not beat your self up for doing it.
Glad to know I am not the only one! Have a great day!!