Monday, October 20, 2008


Hey does pink make anyone else just plain happy? Every time I click over to my page and see those girly hues I smile. I guess I have taken for granted how much I like to see such a feminine know we learn to adapt, adjust and move on. So I have excepted a life of mostly blue, green, camo and even yellow (GO LANCE) but I am happy to say I have re-discovered my inner love of pink! And Ammon even gave his consent to my fun Easter egg colored back ground. Now that he is past the age of "stay as far away as you can from pink, or you will get cooties" to "Pink is the coolest color" I give him the pink cup at dinner and he uses it with pride. I think it is the whole "real men wear pink" thing that is cool now. Elijah is learning color songs at school (B-L-U-E, B-L-U-E spells blue to me). He came home from pre-school the other day and said "Mom I have just the song for you!" and he sang the following for me:
"Pink, Pink What do you think? Cotton Candy, Bubble gum..yum yum yum, I want some. Pink! What do you think!"
He sang it slow and smiley! I told him it is my new favorite song. Since this posting really doesn't have much of a continuous theme may I add another cute Eli moment? I took Ammon and Eli to the park the other day. There were a few girls in a circle playing what ever girls play, (don't ask me!) and Elijah walks up to the group and says "Hellllooo Ladies!" Ammon and I almost died laughing. The girls just stared at him. Eli being Eli simply was oblivious to their rebuff and kept playing. He's hot stuff in his mind.
So back to pink. Whether it's hot or powder, pink makes me happy. I am grateful for pink today! Go have a happy pink day! (or whichever color makes you happy!)

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