Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tears of Joy....

Ok is it not crazy how our kids bring tears to our eyes at the weirdest times? Last Sunday our two older boys participated in the Primary program at church. Eli's first this year! As I watched Elijah sing with the rest of the kids, looking quite reminiscent of the Grinch (Jim Carrey) trying to sing with the Who's--(you know mouth moving but not in synch with the crowd, head swaying and nodding dramatically) tears sprung to my eyes! It is so like Elijah to be oblivious to the crowd of 250 people staring up at him. Both Eli and Ammon did a great job with their parts! Eli took his time, maximizing microphone usage. Ammon spoke quickly and to the point. Jeff being a primary teacher got to join in the fun and sing "Called to Serve" with Ammmon and the other 7-12 year old boys. I love Primary programs! It is soooo entertaining to watch kids doing funny things, thinking that no one is looking at them, that they are blending into the crowd. Ultimately it was a Great Program, the kids were quiet at the right times and the songs were sung with a quality of reverence about them.
Patrick turned two on Sunday as well. He said to himself "well I am two now, what terrible thing can I do" so he decided to climb out of his crib. Naptimes will never be the same! However after a drive with Dad he fell asleep and was able to be well rested and happy for his Birthday Party. His little "wow" after gifts he liked, and after seeing his Car cake again brought tears to my eyes. He is so beautiful! He is such a fun kid! (Kid now, no longer a baby! "sigh" of time passing)
It's always amazing to me how you see your children every day, watch them grow. But there are always those sliver of moments when you REALLY see them. You see the love of Christ in their eyes and you get a glimpse of what Heavenly Father feels for each of us as we are His children. I think that must be what brings those tears of joy (and pride, happiness, sweetness...) to our parental eyes!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

What a good idea!! Blogging is a lot of fun, and a good place to put your thoughts. Thanks for sharing!:) I am with you on primary programs. Ours was on Sunday as well, but unfortunately I was sick. Dave went with Ethan and Cody, and said it turned out about like yours sounded. Cody got comments on his singing, you could hear him all the way in the back! I'm positive I would have cried had I been there. I can't believe how big your kids are! They grow so fast. Yes, Jaxson looks like my side of the fam, in fact, if you compare my baby pictures to his, we could be twins! He just has a lot more hair than I did!!
It is so great to chat(I guess chat) with you, we should really get together. Have a great day!