Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sounding Off

I enjoy putting together our family blog. I do it mainly for family and friends to keep up with what we are up to. But I often find myself wanting to add personal musings, that many may find boring...so here is my place to sound off (and maybe add a little pink here and there). I kept a studious journal for years, however with three busy boys and a hectic schedule I find that I am not as consistent as I once was. It seems that typing a few lines here and there is so much quicker, and involves less writer's cramp (in my hand I mean:). I plan to "sound off" with whatever is on my mind at the time, and encourage all those who care to read it to add your two cents. I love a good, well rounded, all sides seen discussion so feel free to contradict me! But hopefully I will be an uplifting source to anyone who may need a kind word or a soothing thought. Much love to all!

1 comment:

Michael said...

Hey Sarah!

I got here via your brother's blog. I was skimming through a few of your posts after having ran across that great family photo of Brett and Edu's wedding.

It brought back memories. When I was there for their wedding, I took quite a few photographs of them and your family. Unfortunately the 512mb SD Memory card with all of their wedding photographs was stolen when I went to develop some photos of my own brother's wedding, a couple of months later. I never had transfered the photos over, unfortunately, so I lost most of what was on the card.

So it is fun having at least one photograph from their wedding. :-)

At any rate, regarding writing in your journal, I can definitely relate to everything you stated... typing on the keyboard isn't nearly as paingful as the writers cramp that develops from hand-writing with pen in a hardbound journal... and typing is so much faster! :-) I have kept a studious journal ever since 1990, and actually did fairly well as far back as the 1st grade.

Electronic journal writing is better in so many ways, and is easier to read too. :-) I have decent handwriting for a guy, but I certainly enjoy the digital age we are in now.

Hope you have a good month.