Thursday, July 16, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009

A Daughter

We found out in March that we are expecting a little girl. I was geared up to hear that it was another bouncing baby boy on it's way to join his brothers. However when they said it was a girl I was overcome with the emotions of relief. I had been preparing to say good bye to all those things you invision yourself doing with a daughter...girlee things and pink and having a daughter to be around when your sons are grown and are oblivious (let's hope I can be a great mother-in-law so my DIL's will want to come over often!!).
So when a girl was announced I felt tears run down my cheeks with relief. I had no idea that it meant that much to me, especially since I have loved being a Boy mom. Jeff was excited too and squeezed my hand telling me how excited he was for me to experience having a daughter. Jeff is such a softie when our boys are crying or hurt or even sometimes acting there is danger of this little girl having daddy wrapped around her finger!! I can't wait to see Jeff hold his daughter! (Which sadly may be when she is a few to a lot of months old since Jeff will be deployed when she is born.)
The boys were given a gift which they opened to find pink booties and pink hair bows. Elijah yelled "I knew it was a girl!!" and Ammon smiled. They are very excited! They did protest a little when I broke the news that they may have to watch girl movies now every once in a while..("What?!! Why would we EVER watch girl movies?") Elijah has been a crack up. Before we knew what the sex of the baby was Elijah told me "If it's another boy I am going to freak out!!" He saves anything pink and tells me it's for "the sister". He was given a unicorn pencil at school, which was too girlie for him so he asked me to put it away for our sister. When picking out blanket fabric for the baby Elijah begged me to choose the one that had all the princesses on it. Patrick is still young enough not to fully understand. He just enjoys the comfort of using my huge belly as a pillow. I have shown him my bare belly when the baby is moving and he pulls my shirt down and says "close it mommy" then lays down again on my stomach. It is neat to see their acceptance and love for their sister.
I now am still adjusting to the idea, and won't believe it until she is in my arms. Choosing a name feels 100 times harder because it's the only girl name we will pick so it has to be the right one!
Most of all when I pray at night I echo the same prayers I have for my boys with a slight variation. I pray that she can be a girl, then a woman with a strong purpose of self, knowing that she is a treasured daughter of God. I want her to know that while many in this world de-value womanhood, motherhood and purity I want her to know of her divine worth. This is my prayer for my daughter!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Called to Serve...How we can help!

I have been feeling sick lately so I have actually had time to check out everybody's blogs and facebook pages! It's so fun to see where everyone is in their lives and what cool things they are doing now. I just finished reading the January issue of the Ensign. Here is something that I thought was really awesome (found in the back under news of the Church)

"The church(LDS) sent more than 1.4 million pounds of Atmit-special food for the severely malnourished-to drought stricken Ethiopia in late 2008.
At least 14 million Ethiopians were in need of assistance. While the crisis stemmed from a drought that destroyed the entire spring crop in some places, the country has also dealt with high food prices, a number of disasters, and a rebellion in the Somali region that disrupted food delivary.
Remembering the aid the Church provided during the 2003 famine, government officials in Ethiopia requested help. The Church sent more than 30 containers of Atmit....Atmit is a mixture of oat flour, powdered milk, sugar, salt, vitamins, and minerals that is mixed with water and cooking oil and has been proven to be a successful resource for feeding the serverly malnourished."

Here is a short clip from a seperate article about the measures to create fresh clean water sources
"The Church's clean water initiative is providing remote communities like Makueni (Kenya) with hand-pump wells to reduce water-borne diseases. But by allowing villagers to spend less time fetching water, the wells also enable families to spend more time together and children to attend school more frequently.
With an estimated 23 projects in progress for 2008, the clean water initiative continues to touch hundreds of thousands of lives. Since 2002 the projects have provided more than four million poeple in 50 countries with access to clean water."

Wow! I am so impressed with the good that we can do in the world. There were many other articles about how the church has been helping with natural disasters right here in the U.S. Often times we get boggled down by all the negative towards one another. Yet with these kinds of efforts, and so many more done by the LDS church and it's members, plus all the good that other Christian faiths are doing, there is so much to be hopeful for! I want to take the boys on a tour of the Humanitarian Aid Building in SLC where they can all the food, and bundle all the clothing that gets shipped out. I think it would be cool for them to see! It is amazing the quantities of food that is being sent all over the world, or to local bishop storehouses!
I often wish I could take a summer off and head to South America, Africa or where ever and assist in these efforts. But as a mom it is not my time- every thing has a season. So I must be content with my donations in tithes, humanitarian aid and fast offerings for the time being! But I truly am looking forward to the time when Jeff and I can join hands as couple missionaries and serve where ever the Lord sends us!
Have a happy day!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Thankful for Sisters

I have to admit that I have such great sisters (Brothers too, but this blog is specifically about sisters). Here are just a few of the reasons my sisters are great!
Even though I am 6 years younger than my sister Betsy she always treated me as an equal and friend. Even in high school she would take me to do activities with her friends. (Which I am sure that her friends appreciated bringing a 12 year old along)
Now that we are on more of the same page in life, being moms and women in this world we are still close friends! I am always amazed at Betsy's never ending ability to serve others and even has her own "fan club" of kids that she babysits! Thanks Bets for meeting me at 5 am to run! Thanks for running at all! I know that it's not your thing, but you let me talk you into it--You Rock!! If I need a reality check Bets is the one to call. Thanks for your great example of perseverance, kindness and just plain fun!
Katie, "Kkkkk-Katie, beautiful Katie!" (ok I won't do the whole song, I know that you love it though!) Kate has also always been a best friend! 4 years my senior (but looks 10 years my younger-darn her!) She too has always included me in whatever she is involved in. Katie is my tender-hearted sis who always has a compassionate shoulder to cry on, and heck-she will cry too! Katie's charity and compassion for others is truly a Christ like example. Thanks Kate for all the phone chats that inspire us both to do the dishes, thanks for bringing me hot chocolate on my down days and thanks for all the late night sleep overs at Moms! Katie you are so Groovy!
I can only say that my Mom taught us how to love each other with the constant reminder that being sisters is very special. That we are "Sisters by Chance but Friends by Choice". Thanks Mom for helping us make that choice to be close. Everything is better with my sisters....hanging out (even with 11 children, including 10 boys! between us) simply hanging out is awesome and fun. I love the crafts, the errands and the kindness between us. Even though there are three of us, there is never an odd-women out.
What a blessing our siblings can be to us. It is truly my hope that I can teach that same family closeness to my boys, for their brothers will always be there-even when friends are not.
Wow I just realized that I should include my sister in laws as well....That will have to be a separate post! They are wonderful too!
Hug your sister or best friend today!

I realized as I went to paste a pic that I don't have a recent pic with my here is one of my brother Brett's wedding day. Both Katie and Betsy are to my left I am in the white coat). Also Pictured my mom (in red) my sweet sister-in-law Edu (the bride) and my other wonderful sister-in-law Kathee on the right side of the photo.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What a Difference a Day Can Make!

I am always amazed at the replenishment of zeal for life! It always seems to be in a surprising way that we are thrown back on the horse, and even better willingly climb back on that proverbial horse!
I have been feeling disheartened by the lack of understanding for each other and our different points of view. Why must we turn everything into a fight, going after someone else with fists blazing and tempering none of our comments, out for blood. I am sure many of you can guess at what I am discussing....Yet there are always those friends, family or otherwise that can have a totally different opinion than you and yet you can rationally listen, discuss and even disagree with each other and still be friends after! I have many people in my life that I feel safe enough to disagree-respectfully of course, and our friendship will still remain intact. They too have on many occasions called me out on what they disagreed with and I respect them for doing it. It gives me the opportunity to gauge my feelings, opinions and see if they are reasonable or if they are simply driven by emotion.
I digress from my original point. I was feeling down because of this lack of mutual respect among so many factions in our country at this time. Jeff got to witness a freak out session with much ranting and raving....yet he still let me know that he does not consider me certifiable (yet). So I decided to put the weight of the world in the bath tub for a few days and take a day off! Yesterday I spent a few hours with Jeff on a day-date while kids were in school. We made a point not to discuss anything "heavy", and we simply enjoyed being together. When the kids came home I was ready to re-charge and get stuff done. My sister stopped by to tend for us while we attended a meeting. Laughing with her as only sisters can do, and watching her black teacup Chihuahua prance around(whose tiny toenails we painted pink--there is just a lack of little girls around here, so we improvise!) again helped to re-charge my batteries.
Today I put all my tasks for work to the side, went and played basketball with a group of women from the neighborhood and then spent a few hours with my other sister watching "Biggest Loser" (not only my fav tv show, but it was a recorded one so we could fast forward-EVEN BETTER!). So it is almost 4 in the afternoon and I haven't showered and am still in sweaty basketball clothes, my tasks are still waiting on my desk downstairs, the laundry still sits in piles and the kids are pretty much doing whatever they want at the moment and it FEELS GREAT!! I love being freshly prepared for tomorrow. With an "I can" attitude to face all that will come with a smile and a straight-a-way momentum. Tomorrow will be FANTASTIC!
So the moral of this posting? Take a day off from the cares of the world, and from your usual life, trust in God and oh Boy!! What a difference a day can make! :)

Monday, October 20, 2008


Hey does pink make anyone else just plain happy? Every time I click over to my page and see those girly hues I smile. I guess I have taken for granted how much I like to see such a feminine know we learn to adapt, adjust and move on. So I have excepted a life of mostly blue, green, camo and even yellow (GO LANCE) but I am happy to say I have re-discovered my inner love of pink! And Ammon even gave his consent to my fun Easter egg colored back ground. Now that he is past the age of "stay as far away as you can from pink, or you will get cooties" to "Pink is the coolest color" I give him the pink cup at dinner and he uses it with pride. I think it is the whole "real men wear pink" thing that is cool now. Elijah is learning color songs at school (B-L-U-E, B-L-U-E spells blue to me). He came home from pre-school the other day and said "Mom I have just the song for you!" and he sang the following for me:
"Pink, Pink What do you think? Cotton Candy, Bubble gum..yum yum yum, I want some. Pink! What do you think!"
He sang it slow and smiley! I told him it is my new favorite song. Since this posting really doesn't have much of a continuous theme may I add another cute Eli moment? I took Ammon and Eli to the park the other day. There were a few girls in a circle playing what ever girls play, (don't ask me!) and Elijah walks up to the group and says "Hellllooo Ladies!" Ammon and I almost died laughing. The girls just stared at him. Eli being Eli simply was oblivious to their rebuff and kept playing. He's hot stuff in his mind.
So back to pink. Whether it's hot or powder, pink makes me happy. I am grateful for pink today! Go have a happy pink day! (or whichever color makes you happy!)