Friday, December 5, 2008

Thankful for Sisters

I have to admit that I have such great sisters (Brothers too, but this blog is specifically about sisters). Here are just a few of the reasons my sisters are great!
Even though I am 6 years younger than my sister Betsy she always treated me as an equal and friend. Even in high school she would take me to do activities with her friends. (Which I am sure that her friends appreciated bringing a 12 year old along)
Now that we are on more of the same page in life, being moms and women in this world we are still close friends! I am always amazed at Betsy's never ending ability to serve others and even has her own "fan club" of kids that she babysits! Thanks Bets for meeting me at 5 am to run! Thanks for running at all! I know that it's not your thing, but you let me talk you into it--You Rock!! If I need a reality check Bets is the one to call. Thanks for your great example of perseverance, kindness and just plain fun!
Katie, "Kkkkk-Katie, beautiful Katie!" (ok I won't do the whole song, I know that you love it though!) Kate has also always been a best friend! 4 years my senior (but looks 10 years my younger-darn her!) She too has always included me in whatever she is involved in. Katie is my tender-hearted sis who always has a compassionate shoulder to cry on, and heck-she will cry too! Katie's charity and compassion for others is truly a Christ like example. Thanks Kate for all the phone chats that inspire us both to do the dishes, thanks for bringing me hot chocolate on my down days and thanks for all the late night sleep overs at Moms! Katie you are so Groovy!
I can only say that my Mom taught us how to love each other with the constant reminder that being sisters is very special. That we are "Sisters by Chance but Friends by Choice". Thanks Mom for helping us make that choice to be close. Everything is better with my sisters....hanging out (even with 11 children, including 10 boys! between us) simply hanging out is awesome and fun. I love the crafts, the errands and the kindness between us. Even though there are three of us, there is never an odd-women out.
What a blessing our siblings can be to us. It is truly my hope that I can teach that same family closeness to my boys, for their brothers will always be there-even when friends are not.
Wow I just realized that I should include my sister in laws as well....That will have to be a separate post! They are wonderful too!
Hug your sister or best friend today!

I realized as I went to paste a pic that I don't have a recent pic with my here is one of my brother Brett's wedding day. Both Katie and Betsy are to my left I am in the white coat). Also Pictured my mom (in red) my sweet sister-in-law Edu (the bride) and my other wonderful sister-in-law Kathee on the right side of the photo.